Poem #177
Written 29.5.09
Dedicated to all those who torture us at CSED!.. Don’t take it badly people, these are just some funny thoughts :) … However, they’re true thoughts that many CSED students say when they are under pressure, asking God for REVENGE :D lol… I’m not one of them anyways, I don’t think revenge is the right idea. I believe in smart endless negotiations..!
Have an absolutely nice time! :D
With torture, our lives are bound,
But what goes around comes around,
Show no mercy, show no kindness,
Agonize us with unbearable stress,
But know that one day as life goes on,
You’ll experience what you’ve begun.
No matter how many years go by,
Be sure, the precious tears we cry,
Will come one day right back at you,
You’ll remember what you used to do,
You’ll think of the past that’s revived,
You’ll remember what we’ve survived,
You’ll feel so much pain and realize,
The importance of our screams and cries...

It reminds me with another poem that I've written about the same topic too :)
I Refuse to Keep My Mouth Shut
Poem #102
Written May 08
We refuse to keep our mouths shut
We won't give up, no matter what
We’re dignified and we’ll object
And all the maltreatment we'll reject
We're humans can't you see?
Why can't we just disagree!
Can't you listen and pay attention,
To our screaming-like objection?!
We demand actions not words
Because we're tired of being nerds
Broken promises is what we have now
But now, it's time to keep your vow
Our opinion: let us write it down
And our voices: don’t let them drown
Hear us, we demand from you
It is not something very hard to do
Smile, you're in CSED :D
© Evronia Azer, 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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