Poem #172
Written 24.5.09

Will you bear me when I’m mad?
Will you accept me when I’m bad?
Will you heal my heart when I’m sad,
And make me forget the miseries I had?
When I shout and worries fill me,
My mood becomes like a rough sea,
Will you be there and closely hug me?
And from distress, will you set me free?
When all things go crazy and wrong,
Will you be my peaceful serenity song?
Will you calm me, make me feel strong?
Will you hold and bear me all along?
I know I’m not good enough for you,
I know there’re lots of bad things I do.
You’re an angel; I don’t deserve you,
But you know my love is totally true…
© Evronia Azer, 2009. All Rights Reserved.
WOW!!! Good job Evronia !!! Go on gurl, U surely will be a famous writer one day :)
I was just wondering y are most of ur poems about pain and struggles ??
Hey Fadwa,
thanks a lot dear for ur pretty comment :)))))))
I think I've written many poems that were hopeful , like for example
I Want to Write Poems to You
Poem #164 (on the blog)
You Really See Me
Poem #157 (on the blog)
and a very old poem called
A Hopeful Poem
so it depends on the mood, as well as the idea itself.. and certainly pain and struggles are part of our daily life, in different forms and shapes.. so mostly they come out in the form of sad love poems.. But I don't take a certain style and follow it, I like writing about many things.. However, maybe you haven't seen the complete collection (actually no one has!! lol) so I'll try to publish some of the very old stuff during the summer :))
thanks again and keep me posted with ur lovely feedback, i really appreciate it much!
It's one of your best poems !!!!
I feel every single word in it !!!!
Thanks Eve .....
thanks ashraf! glad you liked it! :)))
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