Thursday, June 25, 2009

[Poem] "Good Night"

"Good Night"
Poem #192
Written 24.6.09

I can’t go to bed without you,
I can’t sleep before I tell you,
"Good night", my sweetest love…
In my mind you’ll be thought of,
In my heart I’ll safely lock you,
In my dreams, I’ll always host you.
My soul will hold you tight,
You guard me day and night;
You’re my angel, you protect me,
You understand the inner me,
You bless every moment with joy,
Stretching a future for me to enjoy,
Enlightening me with much hope,
Never allowing me to sadly mope,
Lifting me up to soar in the skies,
Wiping every tear from my eyes,
Cherishing me so preciously,
Defending me courageously…
You’re more than my dream man,
You’re where my life began,
You’re my miracle, my charm,
Always keeping me from harm.
Without you I will never be whole,
Without you I don’t even exist at all…

Beta Poem Copy--Still Under Revision
© Evronia Azer, 2009. All Rights Reserved.


Shaimaa said...

very nice and romantic poem Eve :)

Evronia said...

thank you my dear shimo :)))

Praveen said...

Lady u hav a lot of Qualities of a Poet .. nice blog. Wish u bright future ..

Evronia said...

thanks a lot Praveen, I really appreciate it :)