Poem #198
Written 6.9.09
I don't miss you, because you live inside me,
When I feel bad or blue, I have you with me,
You are locked deep down inside my heart,
You've always been there since the very start;
You do everything I need before I ask you to,
You give me pleasure and everything new…
In this cruel world, I need nothing more,
Because I have you to cherish and to adore,
To lift me up so that we can reach the stars,
And make all this happiness totally ours!
You're more than a dream for any girl,
But I'm the luckiest, coz you're my pearl;
It's enough for me that you are mine,
I'm sure one day our lives will intertwine…
Anyhow, I thought I'd write to let you know,
Why I never tell you: "I miss you so"…
Beta Poem Copy--Still Under Revision
© Evronia Azer, 2009. All Rights Reserved. Follow @evronia
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